Dear friends,
Bram’s rollercoaster journey took a few more steps over the last couple of days.
Lets’s start with the amazing news. Bram had his MRIscan under full general anaesthetic done on Tuesday and he is still tumour free!!!!! We are over the moon! It will never get easy having to wait for these results. Bram has been cancer-free for two years now!
On to more good news than. On Wednesday Bram had another routine procedure under full general anaesthetic. This time surgeons checked out his airway with a small camera. Bram’s airway is in a good condition with no concerns.
But Bram wouldn’t be Bram if there was another surprise waiting for us, and unfortunately this is not a good one. Bram’s MRI scan showed that his hydrocephalus has returned. The brain fluids in his brain have increased a lot. Surgeons checked out Bram’s VP Shunt (drain in his brain) and concluded quickly it is not working correctly. As a result Bram was admitted to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit last night. He will undergo surgery this afternoon to try to fix or replace his shunt. He will spent at least a few more days in hospital.
Bram is currently well and does not seem bothered by all of this. I think he has been lucky the MRI scan found his hydrocephalus before Bram started to show symptoms.
Can you send him some good thoughts today?
Jeroen, Laura, Max and our superhero Bram