Dear friends,
Today 4 years ago was one of our best days in life. We welcomed Max in this world and started our biggest adventure in life…. Parenthood!
Our kids are everything for us and I am a proud father of Max and Bram. Today we celebrate Max’s 4th birthday together with his Scottish and Dutch grandparents at our home.
Unfortunately a family tradition is once again honoured. Celebrating a birthday with Bram in hospital. Bram was admitted on Sunday evening for a routine sleep study, which only lasts one night. However the results are such that after 9 months at home Bram is considered to be “unsafe” at home while asleep. Even with nurses looking after him. From today onwards Bram will have to be ventilated while asleep.
This will make his breathing safe again and hopefully mean that over time Bram will be able to live without extra oxygen and without his tracheotomy. Laura and I, as well as Bram’s nurses, will need training on how Bram lives with a ventilator. This will take a few days and until we are fully trained and have all the equipment delivered to our home Bram will have to stay in hospital.
So for the second year in a row we will be celebrating Max’s birthday together with Bram in hospital.
Although causing chaos in our life once again, we believe this is a way forward for Bram to be safe and hopefully overcome his respiratory problems.
But now it’s time to eat cake and celebrate Max’s big day.
Jeroen, Laura, Max and Bram